1.9. Input and Output¶
We often have a need to interact with users,
either to get data or to provide some sort of result. Most programs
today use a dialog box as a way of asking the user to provide some type
of input. While Python does have a way to create dialog boxes, there is
a much simpler function that we can use. Python provides us with a
function that allows us to ask a user to enter some data and returns a
reference to the data in the form of a string. The function is called
Python’s input function takes a single parameter that is a string. This string is often called the prompt because it contains some helpful text prompting the user to enter something. For example, you might call input as follows:
aName = input('Please enter your name: ')
Now whatever the user types after the prompt will be stored in the
variable. Using the input function, we can easily write
instructions that will prompt the user to enter data and then
incorporate that data into further processing. For example, in the
following two statements, the first asks the user for their name and the
second prints the result of some simple processing based on the string
that is provided.
aName = input("Please enter your name ")
print("Your name in all capitals is",aName.upper(),
"and has length", len(aName))
The input Function Returns a String (strstuff)
It is important to note that the value returned from the input
function will be a string representing the exact characters that were
entered after the prompt. If you want this string interpreted as another
type, you must provide the type conversion explicitly. In the statements
below, the string that is entered by the user is converted to a float so
that it can be used in further arithmetic processing.
sradius = input("Please enter the radius of the circle ")
radius = float(sradius)
diameter = 2 * radius
1.9.1. String Formatting¶
We have already seen that the print
function provides a very simple way to output values from a Python
program. print
takes zero or more parameters and displays them using
a single blank as the default separator. It is possible to change the
separator character by setting the sep
argument. In addition, each
print ends with a newline character by default. This behavior can be
changed by setting the end
argument. These variations are shown in
the following session:
>>> print("Hello")
>>> print("Hello","World")
Hello World
>>> print("Hello","World", sep="***")
>>> print("Hello","World", end="***")
Hello World***>>>
It is often useful to have more control over the look of your output. Fortunately, Python provides us with an alternative called formatted strings. A formatted string is a template in which words or spaces that will remain constant are combined with placeholders for variables that will be inserted into the string. For example, the statement
print(aName, "is", age, "years old.")
contains the words is
and years old
, but the name and the age
will change depending on the variable values at the time of execution.
Using a formatted string, we write the previous statement as
print("%s is %d years old." % (aName, age))
This simple example illustrates a new string expression. The %
operator is a string operator called the format operator. The left
side of the expression holds the template or format string, and the
right side holds a collection of values that will be substituted into
the format string. Note that the number of values in the collection on
the right side corresponds with the number of %
characters in the
format string. Values are taken—in order, left to right—from the
collection and inserted into the format string.
Let’s look at both sides of this formatting expression in more detail.
The format string may contain one or more conversion specifications. A
conversion character tells the format operator what type of value is
going to be inserted into that position in the string. In the example
above, the %s
specifies a string, while the %d
specifies an
integer. Other possible type specifications include i
, u
, f
, g
, c
, or %
. Table 9 summarizes all of the
various type specifications.
Character |
Output Format |
Integer |
Unsigned integer |
Floating point as m.ddddd |
Floating point as m.ddddde+/-xx |
Floating point as m.dddddE+/-xx |
Use |
Single character |
String, or any Python data object that can be converted to a string by using the |
Insert a literal % character |
In addition to the format character, you can also include a format
modifier between the %
and the format character. Format modifiers may
be used to left-justify or right-justifiy the value with a specified
field width. Modifiers can also be used to specify the field width along
with a number of digits after the decimal point. Table 10
explains these format modifiers
Modifier |
Example |
Description |
number |
Put the value in a field width of 20 |
Put the value in a field 20 characters wide, left-justified |
Put the value in a field 20 characters wide, right-justified |
Put the value in a field 20 characters wide, fill in with leading zeros. |
Put the value in a field 20 characters wide with 2 characters to the right of the decimal point. |
Get the value from the supplied dictionary using |
The right side of the format operator is a collection of values that
will be inserted into the format string. The collection will be either a
tuple or a dictionary. If the collection is a tuple, the values are
inserted in order of position. That is, the first element in the tuple
corresponds to the first format character in the format string. If the
collection is a dictionary, the values are inserted according to their
keys. In this case all format characters must use the (name)
modifier to specify the name of the key.
>>> price = 24
>>> item = "banana"
>>> print("The %s costs %d cents"%(item,price))
The banana costs 24 cents
>>> print("The %+10s costs %5.2f cents"%(item,price))
The banana costs 24.00 cents
>>> print("The %+10s costs %10.2f cents"%(item,price))
The banana costs 24.00 cents
>>> itemdict = {"item":"banana","cost":24}
>>> print("The %(item)s costs %(cost)7.1f cents"%itemdict)
The banana costs 24.0 cents
In addition to format strings that use format characters and format
modifiers, Python strings also include a format
method that can be
used in conjunction with a new Formatter
class to implement complex
string formatting. More about these features can be found in the Python
library reference manual.